Простой web-сервер на powershell
Function New-PSWebServer {
Creates a web server that will invoke PowerShell code based on routes being asked for by the client.
New-PSWebServer creates a web server. The web server is composed of a schema that defines the client's requests to routes where PowerShell code is executed.
Under the covers, New-PSWebServer uses the HTTPListener .NET class to execute powershell code as requested, retrieves the results and sends data back through the httplistener web server framework.
.Parameter Url
Specifies a url/port in the form: http://servername:xxx/ to listen on where xxx is the port number to listen on. When specifying localhost with the public switch activated, it will enable listening on all IP addresses.
.Parameter Webschema
Webschema takes a collection of hashes. Each element in the hash represents a different route requested by the client. For routes, the three values used in the hash are path, method, and script. These hashes are abstracted by a DSL that you may use to build the hash.
method defines the HTTP method that will be used by the client to get to the route.
path defines the address in the url supplied by the client after the http://host:port/ part of the address. Paths support parameters allowed by Nancy. For example, if you your path is /process/{name}, the value supplied by the requestor for {name} is passed to your script. You would use the $parameters special variable to access the name property. In the /process/{name} example, the property would be $parameters.name in your script.
script is a scriptblock that will be executed when the client requests the path. The code will be routed to this scriptblock. The scriptblock has a special variable named $parameters that will accept client parameters. It also contains a $request special variable that contains the request info made by the client. The $request variable can be used to read post data from the client with the following example:
$data = (new-Object System.IO.StreamReader @($Request.Body, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)).ReadToEnd()
Here is an example of creating the webschema with the DSL:
$webschema = @(
Get '/' { "Welcome to PSWebServer!" }
Get '/process' { Get-Process | select name, id, path | ConvertTo-Json }
Post '/process' {
$processname = $Body.ProcessName
Start-Process $processname
Get '/process/{name}' { get-process $parameters.name |convertto-json -depth 1 }
Get '/prettyprocess' { Get-Process | ConvertTo-HTML name, id, path }
Here is an example of the raw data that the above DSL creates. This may also be passed to -webschema:
$webschema = @(
path = '/'
method = 'get'
script = { "Welcome to PSWebServer!" }
path = '/process'
method = 'get'
script = {
Get-Process | select name, id, path | ConvertTo-Json
path = '/process'
method = 'post'
script = {
$processname = (new-Object System.IO.StreamReader @($Request.Body, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)).ReadToEnd()
Start-Process $processname
path = '/process/{name}'
method = 'get'
script = {
get-process $parameters.name |convertto-json -depth 1
path = '/prettyprocess'
method = 'get'
script = {
Get-Process | ConvertTo-HTML name, id, path
.Parameter Path
This parameter runs the PSWebServer web server in that directory.
By default, PSWebServer will set Path to be your current directory.
.Parameter Public
This allows you to use have your web server use a hostname other than localhost. Assuming your firewall is configured correctly, you will be able to serve the web calls over a network.
This will require admin privileges to run. If you do not have admin privs, a prompt will ask you if you would like to elevate. If you choose to do this, the server will have the following run as admin. This will allow users to serve on port 8000 from this server:
netsh http urlacl add url='http://+:8000/' user=everyone
If you have already run your own netsh command, it will not create a new one. For example, if you want to serve on http://server1:8000 with your service account named "PSWebServerservice", you could run netsh as follows instead of allowing New-PSWebServer to create a "+:8000 user=everyone" urlacl.
netsh http urlacl add url='http://server1:8000/' user=PSWebServerservice
.Parameter Passthru
Returns the PSWebServer object. This is generally not needed by the other cmdlets.
.Parameter AuthenticationScheme
This is the authentication scheme or schemes your app will require. Default is anonymous.
Collection of hashes containing the schema of the web server
A Web server
PS C:\> New-PSWebServer
Creates a web server listening on http://localhost:8000/. The server will respond with "Hello World!" when http://localhost:8000 is browsed to. The server will be unreachable from outside of the server it is running on.
PS C:\> New-PSWebServer -Public
Creates a web server listening on http://localhost:8000/. The server will respond with "Hello World!" when http://localhost:8000 is browsed to. The server will be reachable from outside of the server it is running on.
This will require admin privileges to run. If you do not have admin privs, a prompt will ask you if you would like to elevate. If you choose to do this, the server will have the following run as admin. This will allow users to serve on port 8000 from this server:
netsh http urlacl add url='http://+:8000' user=everyone
PS C:\> New-PSWebServer -url http://localhost:8000/ -webschema @(
Get '/' { "Welcome to PSWebServer!" }
Get '/process' { get-process |select name, id, path |ConvertTo-Json }
Get '/prettyprocess' { Get-Process |ConvertTo-HTML name, id, path }
The above illustrates how you can set up multiple paths in a PSWebServer project. It also illustrates how to return text, create a web service that returns JSON, and display HTML visually.
The above creates three routes that can be accessed by a client (run on the server this was run on because the public switch was not used):
PS C:\> New-PSWebServer -url http://localhost:8000/ -webschema @(
Get '/'
Post '/startprocessbypost' {
$processname = $Body.ProcessName
Start-Process $processname -PassThru | ConvertTo-HTML
Get '/startprocessbyparameter/{name}' { start-process $parameters.name -PassThru | ConvertTo-HTML }
The above illustrates how the special variables $request and $parameters can be used in a scriptblock. The above illustrates how you can start a web server that will start processes based on either the data sent in POST to the route or by leveraging the parameters in a get route.
The script enables both of the following to work:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8000/startprocessbyparameter/notepad
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8000/startprocessbypost -Method Post -Body "Notepad"
PS C:\> New-PSWebServer -url 'http://localhost:8080/' -webschema @(
Post '/startprocessbypost' {
$processname = $Body.ProcessName
Start-Process $processname
} @("Administrators")
Get '/startprocessbyparameter/{name}' { start-process $parameters.name } @("Users","Administrators")
) -AuthenticationScheme [System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes]::Negotiate
The last example here shows the use of authentication and authorized roles for each route. The startprocessbypost method will only allow access if you are running the browser as administrator and thus will authenticate as being in the local administrators group.
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $url = 'http://localhost:8000/',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[object[]] $webschema = @(@{path = '/'; method = 'Get'; script = {"Hello World!"}}),
[switch] $Public,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $Path,
[System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes]$AuthenticationScheme = [System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes]::Anonymous
if (!$path) {
$path = join-path ([System.io.path]::gettemppath()) "PSWebServer"
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
mkdir $path |out-null
elseif (!(Test-Path $path)) {
throw "The path to start from does not exist"
if (!$Public -and $url -notmatch '\/\/localhost:') {
throw "To specify a url other than localhost, you must use the -Public switch"
if ($url -notmatch "\/$") {
throw "Only Uri prefixes ending in '/' are allowed"
$ServerScriptBlock = {
[string] $url,
[object[]] $webschema,
[bool] $Public,
[string] $Path,
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -Forward
$listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener
$listener.AuthenticationSchemes = $AuthenticationScheme
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "Listening at $url..."
while ($listener.IsListening) {
$context = $listener.GetContext()
$requestUrl = $context.Request.Url
$response = $context.Response
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "> $requestUrl"
$localPath = $requestUrl.LocalPath
$CurrentRoute = $webschema | Where-Object {$localPath -match $_.Path -and $_.Method -eq $context.Request.HttpMethod} | Select-Object -First 1
$parameters = ([PSCustomObject]$Matches)
$Route = $CurrentRoute.script
if ($AuthenticationScheme -ne "Anonymous") {
$Authorized = $CurrentRoute.AuthorizedGroups | Where-Object {$context.User.IsInRole($_)}
if ($Route -eq $null) {
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "No route found for: $($context.Request.HttpMethod) $localpath"
$response.StatusCode = 404
$Content = "<h1>404 - Page not found</h1>"
elseif (-not $Authorized -and $AuthenticationScheme -ne "Anonymous") {
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "$($context.User.Identity.Name) is not in any of the following groups:`n$($CurrentRoute.AuthorizedGroups)"
$response.StatusCode = 401
$Content = "<h1>401 - Unauthorized</h1>"
else {
try {
$content = Invoke-PSWebServerRoute -Route ([scriptblock]::Create($Route)) `
-Parameters $parameters `
-Request $context.Request `
-CurrentUser $context.User `
-ErrorAction Stop
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content)) {$content = ""}
} catch {
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData (Resolve-Error $_)
if($Context.Request.HttpMethod -eq "GET") {
$content = Get-UsefulErrorMessage -PowerShellError $_ -Parameters $parameters
} else {
$Content = "$($_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name) : $($_.Exception.Message)"
$Content += "$($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)"
$Content += " + $($_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage())"
$Content += " + $($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId)"
$response.StatusCode = 500
$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($content)
$response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length
$response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)
$responseStatus = $response.StatusCode
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "< $responseStatus"
$InitializationScript = {
function Write-Host {
Write-Output $Object
function Resolve-Error
$ErrorRecord | Format-List * -Force | Out-String
$ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo | Format-List * | Out-String
$Exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
for ($i = 0; $Exception; $i++, ($Exception = $Exception.InnerException))
{ "$i" * 80
$Exception |Format-List * -Force | Out-String
function Get-RequestBody {
$StreamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($Body)
$BodyContents = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "ContentType: $ContentType"
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData "BodyContents: $BodyContents"
if($ContentType -match "json") {
$BodyContents = $BodyContents | ConvertFrom-Json
}elseif($ContentType -match "x-www-form-urlencoded") {
$QueryStringCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($BodyContents)
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -MessageData ($QueryStringCollection)
$BodyContentsHash = [hashtable]@{}
$QueryStringCollection.AllKeys | foreach { $BodyContentsHash[$_] = $QueryStringCollection[$_] }
$BodyContents = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $BodyContentsHash
return $BodyContents
function Invoke-PSWebServerRoute {
[PSCustomObject]$Query = [PSCustomObject]$Request.QueryString
switch ($Request.HttpMethod) {
"GET" {
$Result = & $Route $Parameters
return [string]$Result
"PUT" {
$Body = Get-RequestBody -ContentType $Request.ContentType -ContentEncoding $Request.ContentEncoding -Body $Request.InputStream
$Result = & $Route $Parameters
return [string]$Result
"POST" {
$Body = Get-RequestBody -ContentType $Request.ContentType -ContentEncoding $Request.ContentEncoding -Body $Request.InputStream
$Result = & $Route $Parameters
return [string]$Result
function Get-UsefulErrorMessage {
try {
$JSON = ($PowerShellError | ConvertTo-Json) + ($parameters | ConvertTo-Json )
} catch {
$JSON = "JSON serialization of this error failed. Fix this for more detailed response $($PowerShellError.Exception)" + ($parameters | ConvertTo-Json )
$WebPage = @"
<title>ERROR 500</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<!-- when using the mode "code", it's important to specify charset utf-8 -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jsoneditor/5.5.6/jsoneditor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jsoneditor/5.5.6/jsoneditor.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font: 10.5pt arial;
color: #4d4d4d;
line-height: 150%;
width: 100%;
code {
background-color: #f5f5f5;
#jsoneditor {
width: 90%;
Error 500: PSWebServer encountered an unhandled exception
<h3 style="color:red;">
$($PowerShellError.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name) : $($PowerShellError.Exception.Message)<br/>
$($PowerShellError.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage -replace "`n","<br/>")<br/>
$($PowerShellError.CategoryInfo | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -As List)<br/>
<div id="jsoneditor"></div>
var container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
var options = {
mode: 'tree',
modes: ['code', 'form', 'text', 'tree', 'view'], // allowed modes
onError: function (err) {
onModeChange: function (newMode, oldMode) {
console.log('Mode switched from', oldMode, 'to', newMode);
var json = $JSON
var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options, json);
return $WebPage
Write-Host "Attempting to start job with the following parameters: $($url, $webschema, $Public, $Path, $AuthenticationScheme)"
$Job = Start-Job -InitializationScript $InitializationScript -ScriptBlock $ServerScriptBlock -ArgumentList $url, $webschema, $Public, $Path, $AuthenticationScheme
$EngineEvent = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier ConsoleMessageEvents -Action {
Write-Host $event.MessageData;
$Global:PSWebServer = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
return $PSWebServer
function Stop-PSWebServer {
[psobject]$PSWebServer = $Global:PSWebServer
$Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
#The job will not exit until the httplistener listen() method is closed by calling the URL
Invoke-RestMethod $url
} -ArgumentList $PSWebServer.url
$PSWebServer.ServerJob | Stop-Job
$PSWebServer.EngineEvent | Stop-Job
$Job | Remove-Job -Force
function Convert-PathParameters {
$path = "^$path$"
$path = $path -replace "\{", "(?<"
$path = $path -replace "\}", ">.*)"
Adds an endpoint to handler GET requests.
Long description
Add-GetHandler -Path "/Process" -Script { Get-Process | ConvertTo-Json }
Get "/Process" { Get-Process | ConvertTo-Json }
function Add-GetHandler {
[ScriptBlock]$Script = [scriptblock]::Create('param($parameters)' + $Script.ToString())
Path = (Convert-PathParameters -Path $Path)
Method = "Get"
Script = $Script
AuthorizedGroups = $AuthorizedGroups
Adds an endpoint to handler POST requests.
Long description
Add-PostHandler -Path "/Process" -Script { Start-Process $Name }
Post"/Process" { Start-Process $Name }
function Add-PostHandler {
[ScriptBlock]$Script = [scriptblock]::Create('param($parameters)' + $Script.ToString())
Path = (Convert-PathParameters -Path $Path)
Method = "Post"
Script = $Script
AuthorizedGroups = $AuthorizedGroups
Adds an endpoint to handler DELETE requests.
Long description
Add-DeleteHandler -Path "/Process/{id}" -Script { Stop-Process $Parameters.Id }
Delete "/Process/{id}" { Stop-Process $Parameters.Id }
function Add-DeleteHandler {
[ScriptBlock]$Script = [scriptblock]::Create('param($parameters)' + $Script.ToString())
Path = (Convert-PathParameters -Path $Path)
Method = "Delete"
Script = $Script
AuthorizedGroups = $AuthorizedGroups
Adds an endpoint to handler PUT requests.
Long description
Add-PutHandler -Path "/Service/{name}/{status}" -Script { Set-Service -Name $Parameters.Id -Status $Parameters.Status }
Put "/Service/{name}/{status}" { Set-Service -Name $Parameters.Id -Status $Parameters.Status }
function Add-PutHandler {
[ScriptBlock]$Script = [scriptblock]::Create('param($parameters)' + $Script.ToString())
Path = (Convert-PathParameters -Path $Path)
Method = "Put"
Script = $Script
AuthorizedGroups = $AuthorizedGroups
New-Alias -Name Get -Value Add-GetHandler
New-Alias -Name Put -Value Add-PutHandler
New-Alias -Name Post -Value Add-PostHandler
New-Alias -Name Delete -Value Add-DeleteHandler
Export-ModuleMember -Alias get, put, post, delete `
-Function New-PSWebServer, Add-GetHandler, Add-PutHandler, Add-PostHandler, `
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