среда, 9 января 2008 г.

VBS script decoder

VBE Decoder

Last version of the vbe decoder

File Name : vbe_decoder.vbs
Requirement : none
Author : Rick Valstar
Submitted : 01/11/2006

' VBE_Decoder.vbs
' VBE/JSE to VBS/JS Decoder
' derived / translated / fixed from original by Jean-Luc Antoine at http://www.interclasse.com/scripts/decovbe.php
' ©2006 Rick Valstar. All Rights Reserved.  Same restrictions / permissions for this version as granted by the original author below.
' You can contact me on anything other than the Decode() function at r + last name + at + gmail + dot + com
' Key to the decoding process is the Decode() function which is copied "as-is" from the original.  Jean-Luc did all the hard work.
' All I did in this version is fix issues with the original ShellObject.BrowseForFolder logic and add drag-and-drop capability of an 
' encoded file onto this script should one be silly enough to allow default execution of VBS files.  I also added VBE/JSE to VBS/JS 
' file creation logic, simplified some of the looping, added a bunch of MsgBox's to identify if something may not have gone as 
' expected, and tried to clarify the beginning and ending tag detection in an encoded file.
' Note on ShellObject.BrowseForFolder:  In XP, it errors if you try to select a file.  Also, folders of type "Folder3" need to be
' resolved to type "Folder2" so that the .Path can be had and one can loop through the files in said folder.
' Original:
' ©2002 Jean-Luc Antoine. All Rights Reserved. 
' Per http://www.interclasse.com/scripts/decovbe.php:
' Scripts or any other material on this website may not be redistributed or put as part of ANY collection (script archives, CDs etc) 
' without prior written permission. Permission granted to use and modify any of the scripts found on InterClasse.com 

Option Explicit



Const TAG_BEGIN1 = "#@~^" 
Const TAG_BEGIN2 = "==" 
Const TAG_BEGIN_LEN = 12
Const TAG_END = "==^#~@" 
Const TAG_END_LEN = 6

Dim argv
Dim wsoShellApp
Dim oFolder
Dim sFolder
Dim sFileSource
Dim sFileDest
Dim fso
Dim fld
Dim fc
Dim bEncoded
Dim fSource
Dim tsSource
Dim tsDest
Dim iNumExamined
Dim iNumProcessed
Dim iNumSkipped

Function Decode(Chaine)
 Dim se,i,c,j,index,ChaineTemp
 Dim tDecode(127)
 Const Combinaison="1231232332321323132311233213233211323231311231321323112331123132"

 Set se=WSCript.CreateObject("Scripting.Encoder")
 For i=9 to 127
 For i=9 to 127
  For j=1 to 3
   tDecode(c)=Left(tDecode(c),j-1) & chr(i) & Mid(tDecode(c),j+1)
 'Next line we correct a bug, otherwise a ")" could be decoded to a ">"
 tDecode(42)=Left(tDecode(42),1) & ")" & Right(tDecode(42),1)
 Set se=Nothing

 For i=1 to Len(Chaine)
  If c<128 Then index=index+1
  If (c=9) or ((c>31) and (c<128)) Then
   If (c<>60) and (c<>62) and (c<>64) Then
    Chaine=Left(Chaine,i-1) & Mid(tDecode(c),Mid(Combinaison,(index mod 64)+1,1),1) & Mid(Chaine,i+1)
   End If
  End If
End Function

Sub Process (s)
 Dim bProcess
 Dim iTagBeginPos
 Dim iTagEndPos

 'MsgBox sFileSource & " " & sFileDest & " " & Len(s)

 iNumExamined = iNumExamined + 1

 iTagBeginPos = Instr(s, TAG_BEGIN1)

 Select Case iTagBeginPos
 Case 0
  MsgBox sFileSource & " does not appear to be encoded.  Missing Beginning Tag.  Skipping file."
  iNumSkipped = iNumSkipped + 1

 Case 1
  If (Instr(iTagBeginPos, s, TAG_BEGIN2) - iTagBeginPos) = TAG_BEGIN2_OFFSET Then
   iTagEndPos = Instr(iTagBeginPos, s, TAG_END)

   If iTagEndPos > 0 Then
    Select Case Mid(s, iTagEndPos + TAG_END_LEN)
    Case "", Chr(0)
     bProcess = True

     If fso.FileExists(sFileDest) Then
      If MsgBox("File """ & sFileDest & """ exists.  Overwrite?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2) <> vbYes Then
       bProcess = False
       iNumSkipped = iNumSkipped + 1
      End If
     End If

     If bProcess Then
      s = Decode(Mid(s, iTagBeginPos + TAG_BEGIN_LEN, iTagEndPos - iTagBeginPos - TAG_BEGIN_LEN - TAG_END_LEN))

      'MsgBox s

      Set tsDest = fso.CreateTextFile(sFileDest, TRUE, FALSE)
      tsDest.Write s
      Set tsDest = Nothing

      iNumProcessed = iNumProcessed + 1
     End If

    Case Else
     MsgBox sFileSource & " does not appear to be encoded.  Found " & Len(Mid(s, iTagEndPos + TAG_END_LEN)) & " characters AFTER Ending Tag.  Skipping file."
     iNumSkipped = iNumSkipped + 1
    End Select

    MsgBox sFileSource & " does not appear to be encoded.  Missing ending Tag.  Skipping file."
    iNumSkipped = iNumSkipped + 1
   End If

   MsgBox sFileSource & " does not appear to be encoded.  Incomplete Beginning Tag.  Skipping file."
   iNumSkipped = iNumSkipped + 1
  End If

 Case Else
  MsgBox sFileSource & " does not appear to be encoded.  Found " & (iTagBeginPos - 1) & "characters BEFORE Beginning Tag.  Skipping file."
  iNumSkipped = iNumSkipped + 1
 End Select
End Sub

Set argv = WScript.Arguments 

sFileSource = ""
sFolder = ""
iNumExamined = 0
iNumProcessed = 0
iNumSkipped = 0

Select Case argv.Count
Case 0
 Set wsoShellApp = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")

 On Error Resume Next
 set oFolder = wsoShellApp.BrowseForFolder (0, "Select a folder containing files to decode", BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE + BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON + BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS)
 If Err.Number = 0 Then 
  If TypeName(oFolder) = "Folder3" Then Set oFolder = oFolder.Items.Item
  sFolder = oFolder.Path
 End If
 On Error GoTo 0

 Set oFolder = Nothing
 Set wsoShellApp = Nothing

 If sFolder = "" Then
  MsgBox "Please pass a full file spec or select a folder containing encoded files"
 End If

Case 1
 sFileSource = argv(0)

 If InStr(sFileSource, "?") > 0 Then 
  MsgBox "Pass a full file spec or no arguments (browse for a folder)"
 End If

Case Else
 MsgBox "Pass a full file spec, -?, /?, ?, or no arguments (browse for a folder)"
End Select

Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If sFolder <> "" Then
 On Error Resume Next
 Set fld = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
  Set fld = Nothing
  Set fso = Nothing
  MsgBox "Folder """ & sFolder & """ is not valid in this context"
 End If
 On Error GoTo 0

 Set fc = fld.Files

 For Each fSource In fc
  sFileSource = fSource.Path

  Select Case LCase(Right(sFileSource, 4))
  Case ".vbe"
   sFileDest = Left(sFileSource, Len(sFileSource) - 1) & "s"
   bEncoded = True
  Case ".jse"
   sFileDest = Left(sFileSource, Len(sFileSource) - 1)
   bEncoded = True
  Case Else
   bEncoded = False
  End Select

  If bEncoded Then
   Set tsSource = fSource.OpenAsTextStream(FOR_READING)
   Process tsSource.ReadAll
   Set tsSource = Nothing
  End If
 Next ' fSource

 Set fc = Nothing
 Set fld = Nothing

 If Not fso.FileExists(sFileSource) Then
  MsgBox "File """ & sFileSource & """ not found"
  bEncoded = False

  Select Case LCase(Right(sFileSource, 4))
  Case ".vbe"
   sFileDest = Left(sFileSource, Len(sFileSource) - 1) & "s"
   bEncoded = True
  Case ".jse"
   sFileDest = Left(sFileSource, Len(sFileSource) - 1)
   bEncoded = True
  Case Else
   MsgBox "File """ & sFileSource & """ needs to be of type VBE or JSE"
   bEncoded = False
  End Select

  If bEncoded Then
   Set tsSource = fso.OpenTextFile(sFileSource, FOR_READING)
   Process tsSource.ReadAll
   Set tsSource = Nothing
  End If
 End If
End If

Set fso = Nothing

MsgBox iNumExamined & " Files Examined; " & iNumProcessed & " Files Processed; " & iNumSkipped & " Files Skipped"

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